Computone Port Card

From: Ward Donald Griffiths III <>
Date: Fri Jan 30 02:11:07 1998

Mike Allison wrote:
> Am I sure they're RJ11, no. They're physically the same jack with six
> live wires. But beyond that, how would I know???

RJ-11 is four wires. Standard phone jack.

> Does Xenix see these when it loads or do I have to tell it?
> (Xenix/at 2.2.1)
> Do you if they are compatible/similar to anything that might recognise
> the board and work it in today's UNIX world???

Xenix definitely needs device drivers installed. Probably so does
SCO Unix. And the device drivers came with the board, not the OS.

Some Linux distributions will recognize it immediately, but even
then you're best off recompiling the kernel -- since there are a
lot of other things taking up kernel space that don't need to be
recognized. I like to start with a sparse kernel and add things.
Ward Griffiths
Dylan:  How many years must some people exist, 
			before they're allowed to be free?
WDG3rd:  If they "must" exist until they're "allowed",
			they'll never be free.
Received on Fri Jan 30 1998 - 02:11:07 GMT

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