OK, now so I know how much these things are worth besides how much the
buyer wants to pay for it, would you people pay this much?
>Respond directly to the seller, not to me, if you want his Lisa 2. If
>turns out to be a Lisa 1, don't tell me about it :-)
>-- Doug
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 17:27:07 +0000
>From: Rich Bull <rbull_at_post.cis.smu.edu>
>Subject: LISA
>Mine has a 5 or 10 meg hard drive....Its a completed system with mouse
>keyboard and is in exceptional condition...neat little machine...If
>interested I need $200.00 and you pay shipping...
>Richard E. Bull email: rbull_at_mail.smu.edu
>Information Technology Services voice: (214)768-3450
>Southern Methodist University Fax: (214)768-9999
>Dallas, Texas 75275-0262
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Received on Wed Jul 01 1998 - 18:13:12 BST