On Sun, 28 Jun 1998 blindpete_at_stratos.net wrote:
> The m I think if I remember it rite takes the user in to wang's ver of
> msdos, The way to get back in, hmm might have been EXIT.
Well, right now everything just seems to BEEP at me after I hit 'm'. But
I don't have any kind of DOS for the Wang yet.
> It does slide out of the sleeve quite nicely, the two cards that are
> conected togather are lan and mem ory combination, I think, when I removed
> them I had less memory.
Yeah, it does open up quite easily. In fact, everything slides out
nicely, even the motherboard. The motherboard is just screwed in with one
screw, and it slides out. It's connected to the bus board with a
different connector, but otherwise it's just like a (much) bigger card.
The power supply connects to the bus board, too, and not to the
And the machine is full of TTL, with only a few big chips, so it looks
like it was MADE to be serviced. I just hope I don't have to. :)
As for the LAN and memory... I didn't spot any RAM chips on that second
card, only TTL and a Z80 and Z80-CTC. I might have missed the RAM in the
seas of TTL, though.
<repair tale snipped>
> I can't remember if it booted in a wordprosesser or a menu, I think it was
> a word prosessor.
Interesting. But your machine had a hard drive, was it just loading the
word processor from the drive or was a simple WP stashed away in ROM?
> I seem to remember some thing funy about the program was you couldn't quit
> it , it would not let you I think it just rebooted, unless you had a flopy
> in drive A:.
> The not so funy thing about the monotor is the power and data cords
> coming out of it both had the same plug on the end of them, and pluging the
> data plug in to the power socket on the vidio card was a hasard.
Ouch! And if my machine is the same, this would disprove my theory about
the plugs, unless the 8-pin connector that I think might be for the video
actually just mated with a 5-pin connector.
> Since they wore bothe the same kind of plug I tied a twist tie around the
> power plug just to let me know whitch was whitch, just incase I got the ich
> to use the monoter when I was writting stuff in the word prosesser.
Umm... how did you use the word processor without a monitor? Are we
talking about the same beast here? Or is the 'blind' part of your e-mail
address reflect your reality? The Wang keyboard does have bumps on the
'F', 'J', and '5' keys.
> Oh well, It was still is a great machine albeit huge!
> Pete
Doug Spence
Received on Fri Jul 03 1998 - 10:27:28 BST