Video game crash

From: Max Eskin <>
Date: Mon Jul 6 14:04:39 1998

I don't think I've cost any companies anything via the 20 or so packages
I've pirated over the years, because I wouldn't have bought them anyway
(most of the stuff was expensive like Win95, MSOffice, etc.).

>The delightful thing about discussions of the extent and effect of
>piracy is that both sides of the argument have a very hard time
>finding a shred of evidence, apart from the widely acknowledged
>extent of piracy.
>In my anecdotal opinion, the sequence of
>events was quite clear: Mom and Dad decided it was time to
>get a computer for the kids for Christmas, they bought two-three
>packages to go along with it, and by New Year's Day the kids
>are having copy-parties with their friends.
>- John

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Received on Mon Jul 06 1998 - 14:04:39 BST

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