While hunting in DejaNews for VAX 11/730 info I found this to pass on. Msg
a bit old it seems but may be worth checking to see if yet available.
Of course, make sure you contact snowcrash_at_elitemicro.com directly :)
>Subject: VAX for free!
>From: snowcrash_at_elitemicro.com (Snowcrash)
>Date: 1998/06/08
>Message-ID: <001801bd931c$18c716f0$7b7b7b7b_at_ironmaiden>
>Newsgroups: muc.lists.netbsd.port.vax
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> OK guys, since all I have is an old 11/730, which can't support =
>NetBSD, and basically I have no clue how to set any of it up, I'm gonna =
>give it away. It is in the Houston, TX area. You pick it up or arrange =
>the transportation if you are intrested. Here's what I know about it.
>Vax 11/730
>(1) RA81
>(2) RA80
>(1) TU80
>(1) RL02
>Some other stuff I can't identify.
>Also about 30 assorted terminals.
> Daniel Daley, CNE
> snowcrash_at_elitemicro.com
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Tue Jul 07 1998 - 14:33:12 BST