ISC Intecolor 8051 Circa 1978
I recently rescued an Intelligent Systems Corp. model 8051 Intecolor
terminal/pc, s/n 5013 from the side of a road (there were several
printers which first caught my eye, this unit has a wood grained
plastic cover which first made me think it was an old window air
conditioner as it was face down and covered with other junk). I saw
this advertised in the February and December issues of Byte Magazine
as a model 8001. The December 76 Byte ad states this is an intelligent
terminal that can be upgraded to a personal computer by adding Basic
and extra ram (this appears to have been upgraded).
I had never seen one of these in person before and didn't realize how
massive they are: 17" high by 19 1/2 " wide by 22" deep, weighing at
least 50 pounds (although I haven't weighed it). The tube is a 19"
color. There are 9 slots inside with a CPU/I/O/Keyboard board (Intel
8080A), memory, additional memory board, prom board (with Basic and
others) plus a floppy controller. Ports (DB25) are J1 Modem, J2 Floppy
Tape, J3 Keyboard, J4 24 Bit I/O (this port is blank actually),J5
Floppy Disk, J6 USART (port is blank).
Unfortunately there was no keyboard or documentation and outside of
the Byte ads I don't know anything about this. Does anyone know where
I can get a keyboard and documentation for this? Also the power cable
is non-standard, per a friend of mine it was used by typewriter
manufacturers and is known as a AC Victor cable.
Received on Wed Jul 08 1998 - 12:03:15 BST
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