Workbench is the Amiga Graphical Operating System, the synonym of
Windows on a PC or Finder on a Mac. Kickstart is a low-level piece
of software, that could be on ROM or floppy. I'm sure you can guess
what Amiga BasiC is. I don't know about TV/Text. Were there any
books? BTW, don't put them on the web, the copyrights still hold. I
mean, go ahead if you want to, but Amiga has not made the stuff PD
and doesn't intend to (Workbench is still in development and 5.0 is
coming up)
> I ran across a box of 300 disks that were used on a classroom of
>(for an art school.) there's alot of unlabeled stuff, but also cryptic
>things like "TV/Text" etc. also, 4 disks that are as follows:
>Amiga Workbench v1.2
>Amiga Kickstart v1.1
>Amiga Extras / Amiga BasiC v1.2
>Amiga Kickstart v1.2
>can someone give me an idea as to what these are? especially the
>program. if anyone is interested, i could create disk images of these
>dump them someplace on the web.
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Received on Wed Jul 08 1998 - 17:18:13 BST