How many computers?

From: J. Buck Caldwell <>
Date: Mon Jul 13 13:20:12 1998

Lets see...

MicroVAX 3600 running VMS (for the while)
MicroVAX 3600 running NetBSD - has MicroTerm 200 and Wyse 50 terminals hooked up to it.
MicroVAX II running NetBSD
3 MicroVAX II's without cases
Cyrix PR-166/MMX PC running (cussword)
Intel 486DX66 also running (cussword)
Macintosh Plus (not working)

Hopefully soon, I'll be putting two of the naked MV2's into cases, and perhaps getting a VAXstation
2000 to go along with the pile.
J. Buck Caldwell
               Engineer - Technical Support - Webmaster
Polygon, Inc.   phone: (314) 432-4142
PO Box 8470       fax: (314) 997-9696
St. Louis, MO 63132     bbs: (314) 997-9682
Received on Mon Jul 13 1998 - 13:20:12 BST

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