Any idea how we might find the original paint color to restore a faded Mac
or other Apple product to new condition?
George L. Rachor
Beaverton, Oregon
On Tue, 14 Jul 1998, Rax wrote:
> >>If I ever get the time, I want to do a custom paint job on my SE/30.
> >>Remember the fighter planes of WW2 that had the mouth/teeth/eyes painted on
> >>the nose? You get the picture... :)
> >
> >I've been tempted to do that too. :-) What kind of paint would be best
> >for this? And how would you go about cleaning the unit before hand?
> >
> >Tom Owad
> >
> >--
> >Sysop of Caesarville Online
> >Client software at: <>
> My ex-girlfriend painted her Mac metalflake purple. She got the paint from
> a model shop - it's the stuff they use for painting plastic models. I
> thought it would fuck everything up when she spray-painted the keyboard,
> but it didn't seem to do it any harm. Worked fine, but it certainly
> challenged one's touch-typing skills...
> R.
> --
> Warbaby
> The WebSite. The Domain. The Empire.
> The MonkeyPool
> WebSite Content Development
> Dreadlocks on white boys give me the willies.
Received on Tue Jul 14 1998 - 12:52:50 BST