At 12:23 14-07-98 -0800, you wrote:
>> In the MicroPDP-11/73 that I got in the great haul there's an Emulex quad
>> board which I want to identify.
>> An identifying number on it is C3987-C. Two 50-pin headers are on the edge
>> pointing to the back. No cables attached. Stuff obviously has been swiped
>> from this system.
>Two 50-pin-headers strongly points towards this board being a
>tape interface. (like the TC02/TC03). It could also be a communications
>multiplexer, like something from the CS series.
>> Anybody need to have more info to help ID this thing?
>There ought to be a big silver sticker on one of the 40-pin DIPs
>that will give the part number and revision level.
There is a big silver sticker on one of the 40-pin DIPs from which this
C3987-C came from. This number was listed as a sub-assy number, IIRC. There
is a longer number at the top of the sticker. I'll post it tomorrow.
There is a tape drive and 5.25" hard drive in the MicroPDP. The tape looks
like it takes a TU58-size tape (could it be a TU58?) Also, there's a
third-party dual width card with light blue ejector handles with "UDC11"
stamped in white letters on one. Don't know where the ribbon cable goes
that's connected to it. I'll take the BA11 chassis out and peek inside
tonight and report what I find on these questions.
Thanks for the input Tim.
Regards, Chris
-- --
>Tim. (
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Tue Jul 14 1998 - 16:06:00 BST