European Tour

From: Christian Fandt <>
Date: Wed Jul 15 12:40:24 1998

At 22:25 14-07-98 -0500, you wrote:
>I'm planning to be in Europe for a week or so in October (a few days each
>in Holland, Belgium, and Germany). I'd like to sneak in a few nerd-stops
>along the way, and I'll make room in my suitcase for a couple of vintage
>portables just in case. Any suggestions for the American nerd tourist in

Doug, if you indeed do go to Munich to see the Deutches Museum I suggest
you set aside at least a _full_ day to see only a couple of sections or
several days to see most of the museum. Roller skates or rollerblades would
be of great help to see more in less time<g>

I'm the type of person who studies a museum and have spent two to four
hours in each of the few sections I've visited during the three different
visits to the Deutches Museum. As Hans just said in a previous msg in this
thread, the computer section is indeed about 12,000 square feet. Loved it!

Seriously, I do recommend seeing the collections at Deutches Museum to
anybody who may visit Munich. Something for everybody. Check out URL: if you're interested.

Have fun in Europe,
-- --

Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Wed Jul 15 1998 - 12:40:24 BST

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