Uncle Roger wrote:
> My girlfriend and I are hoping to go on holiday at the beginning of August,
> and right now, it looks like Denver/Boulder will be our destination. So,
> does anyone know of any good thrift shops/swapmeets/etc. in the area?
> (And, off-topically, antique or teacher stores? Gotta keep the gf happy
> too! 8^) Thanks!
I have some pretty good places for you to try out. Make sure to check out the
Mile High Flea Market. It's huge!! There's everything you'd ever want there. As
far as classics... mostly just micros, etc., but it's a blast browsing the
miles of outdoor flea market. I also stopped in at a couple good thrift stores
in the Aurora area. There are several all in the vacinity of Peoria St in
South/East Denver. The Veterans, Goodwill, etc., ALL had a ton of old micros,
Good luck!
> --------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
> Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
> roger_at_sinasohn.com that none but madmen know."
> Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
> San Francisco, California http://www.sinasohn.com/
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Received on Thu Jul 16 1998 - 01:43:15 BST