FW: FREE DECWriter (LA120) up for grabs, Bay Area

From: Bruce Lane <kyrrin_at_jps.net>
Date: Thu Jul 16 01:06:06 1998

Found on Usenet. If you're interested, get hold of the fellow directly.

        Attachment follows.

-=-=- <snip> -=-=-

On Wed, 15 Jul 1998 16:35:25 -0700, in comp.os.vms you wrote:

>>From: Mike Graff <mgraff_at_aimnet.com>
>>Newsgroups: comp.os.vms
>>Subject: LA120 available - interested?
>>Date: Wed, 15 Jul 1998 16:35:25 -0700
>>Organization: Wombat Internet Guild
>>Lines: 12
>>Message-ID: <35AD3CA4.AFB9FECD_at_aimnet.com>
>>Reply-To: mgraff_at_aimnet.com
>>NNTP-Posting-Host: host52.macsource.com
>>Mime-Version: 1.0
>>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
>>X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.05 (Macintosh; U; PPC)
>>Path: blushng.jps.net!news.eli.net!news.burgoyne.com!news.eecs.umich.edu!nntprelay.mathworks.com!newshub.northeast.verio.net!news1.best.com!!batnet!not-for-mail
>>Hi all,
>>I've got an old LA120 hardcopy terminal (aka DECWRITER III) to give away.
>>The unit is fully functional (as far as I can tell). I've got some spare
>>ribbons for it too.
>>You come haul it away, it's yours. I am located in the San Francisco Bay
>>Area. First come first served. Email me at mgraff_at_computerware.com.

Bruce Lane, Sysop, The Dragon's Cave (Fido 1:343/272)
http://table.jps.net/~kyrrin -- also kyrrin [A-t] Jps {D=o=t} Net
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Received on Thu Jul 16 1998 - 01:06:06 BST

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