VC404 The Standard

From: Lawrence Walker <>
Date: Thu Jul 16 10:02:16 1998

 One of my recent curbside finds is a machine put out by a Canadian company
based in Waterloo Ont called Volker-Craig model vg-400. On the front it has a
title VC404 The Standard. It has a k-b attached with ribbon cable which is
about the size of a C64 with Function Pf1-12 buttons as well as a separate
pod with APL,PAGE,FULL,LOCAL on the left vertically. There is a full
qwerty alphabet and numerical pad as well as some specialized keys the most
unusual of which is a key labelled "rub-out" and no down arrow. In the back it
has a 25 pin RS232 connector, a BNC labelled "composite video" ,2 switches :
one configure parity the other "Transparent on off" It also has
cutouts for parallell and serial (maybe a 9pin dshell for different modems)
 I haven't opened it up yet, and I must admit to doing what the impeccable
Tony Duell would deem unforgiveable (sorry Tony, Couldn't he'p m'se'f)
I plugged it in and tuned it on. It worked except for a stuck k-b which
stopped printing to screen when I punched another key than local on the
right-most pad.
 Obviosly a terminal of some sort, but the keypads are not what I would expect.
My guess is it's a terminal for the deaf which hooked up to a service. But why
all the other k-b functions. Any ideas ?

ciao larry
Received on Thu Jul 16 1998 - 10:02:16 BST

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