Updated Commodore PET and P500 Pages

From: Larry Anderson <foxnhare_at_goldrush.com>
Date: Sun Jul 19 02:45:08 1998

Those of you interested I have been doing some updating to my Commodore pages.
Let me see if I can give you a list:

* Added a better 'original PET' graphic to the PET page
  (Yeah Doug, that picture does look awfully familiar, hope you don't mind..)
* Added a picture of my Pet Rock (as a link in the PET page)
* Added to the PET FAQ two sub-pages on PET BASIC (one small, one REALLY BIG)
  both are adapted from the Commodore 64 Programmer's Reference text
  from Project 64 with changes/additions to be PET specific.
  also a nother question or two
* Started a Commdore 8-bit Troubleshooting Guide
  (stuff like don't put things to close or to the left of monitors, etc)
  I have a couple 64 and 1541 fixer charts I plan to add someday too.
* P500 Page has all new pics! (with close-up of the back panel)
  much re-wording (also found a pic of an Ultimax to add) Unfortunately
  my QuickCam can't do a screen-shot, the monitor refresh
  through the camera is too messy.
* Did a bit of work on the BBS history, still have to add a link
  over to the CBBS North West page (4th BBS in the U.S!)...

If any of that sounds interesting, click on the link below and check it out.
(BTW I know the long PET BASIC page 4.0 command portion is incomplete, I got
lazy, what can I say.)
Larry Anderson - Sysop of Silicon Realms BBS (300-2400bd) (209) 754-1363
Visit my Commodore 8-Bit web page at:
Received on Sun Jul 19 1998 - 02:45:08 BST

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