On Thu, 16 Jul 1998, Jack Peacock wrote:
> > Believe it or not there are still many people out there with old
> (ancient) rotary dial telephones.
> Hey, I still have one, in my computer room (ex-spare bedroom) at home.
> It's not so ancient, anyway, it's worked for the last 30 years, probably
> good for another 30. The bell is disconnected so it doesn't ring, an
> excellent feature.
> Jack Peacock
Uhhh... I still use a rotary dial telephone, with extremely loud clanger.
Not in my room, but the household's main phone is one 'o those. It's the
only 'public' one in the house, all the other ones sit in someone's
I still like that phone, but the ring really gives me a jolt sometimes.
And yes, I am under 30, but my parents most definitely aren't. :)
Doug Spence
Received on Mon Jul 20 1998 - 01:41:30 BST