Max Eskin wrote:
> Do you have those weird two-prong things? My building is full of them
> They're screws with a rounded head, and nothing on it but two little
> pits.
We used to use screws with heads like these on pc cases at work. They have
fallen into non-use since we found out how easy they are to take out
BTW, you could make your own "screwdriver" for them by
grinding/filing/whatever a flat-bladed screwdriver. Just cut a notch out of
the middle of the tip, leaving 2 pins in the right places.
> >> > Ever done an IBM 5151 monitor? It's painful, and the details are
> not in
> >> > any IBM manual (for all there's a schematic given).
> >>
> >> The thing I don't like about a lot of IBM stuff is the torx screws
> with a
> >> pin in the middle to stop as ordinary torx bit fitting. (I have been
> known
> >
> >Yes, PC power supplies tend to be full of them. The proper tool - a
> >tamperproof Torx bit - is pretty easy to obtain, actually. As are
> >tamperproof hex (like allen keys with a hole in the middle), tri-wing,
> >Torq, etc. I have the lot...
> >
> >-tony
> >
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Received on Wed Jul 22 1998 - 22:02:34 BST