Hello everyone...
I have two Tandy 1400HD laptops. One has an NEC V20 processor in it. The
other has an actual Intel 8088 processor. I checked with Tandy's support
site, and the 1400 series was shipped from the factory with the V20 chip.
The one that I have with an 8088 is also from the factory - it's the
original processor. The person who gave it to me was the original owner,
and she had never had it serviced. When I took it apart to try to fix the
power supply, that's when I noticed that the processor was different. When
buying a 1400 new, was it possible to order it with the Intel 8088 chip
instead of the NEC V20? Or was some mistake made at the factory (they ran
out of V20 chips?) and an Intel chip was put in this one? Does anyone else
have a 1400 with an Intel 8088? It this computer possibly worth more than
the one with the V20 (I doubt it)?
Any information is appreciated.
Received on Thu Jul 30 1998 - 21:50:57 BST