Old Microsoft stuff...

From: Joe <rigdonj_at_intellistar.net>
Date: Mon Jun 15 17:44:08 1998

At 07:16 PM 6/15/98 +0300, you wrote:
>>First off your dates are grossly in error. MS in the persona of Gates
>>was involved in putting basic on the altair via MITS. When CP/M was
>>gaining ground as the dominent 8080/z80 OS microsoft was the dominent
>>language supplier. The majik system was a z80 running cp/m and MSbasic
>>compiler, MAC and L80, and maybe Multiplan.
>Yep. I know that. But MS dominance didn't exactly happen overnight. They
>didn't have much of a hold in anything until the IBM PC took off...
>>Apple: Apple softcard combind package of CP/M and MS languges and a z80.
>>TRS80: Disk basic.
>>PDP-11: Didn't MS do a unix varient?
>>UNix... they did have a hand in a PC unix and apps for it.

   Yes, XENIX. They also made it (XENIX) for the Tandy 6000 and for some
Zenith computers (248?).

Received on Mon Jun 15 1998 - 17:44:08 BST

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