Joe wrote:
> At 07:16 PM 6/15/98 +0300, you wrote:
> >>First off your dates are grossly in error. MS in the persona of Gates
> >>was involved in putting basic on the altair via MITS. When CP/M was
> >>gaining ground as the dominent 8080/z80 OS microsoft was the dominent
> >>language supplier. The majik system was a z80 running cp/m and MSbasic
> >>compiler, MAC and L80, and maybe Multiplan.
> >
> >
> >Yep. I know that. But MS dominance didn't exactly happen overnight. They
> >didn't have much of a hold in anything until the IBM PC took off...
> >
> >>Apple: Apple softcard combind package of CP/M and MS languges and a z80.
> >>TRS80: Disk basic.
> >>PDP-11: Didn't MS do a unix varient?
> >>UNix... they did have a hand in a PC unix and apps for it.
> Yes, XENIX. They also made it (XENIX) for the Tandy 6000 and for some
> Zenith computers (248?).
No, Tandy made Xenix for the Tandy 6000, SCO made Xenix for the Zenith
and other Intel computers.
Ward Griffiths
They say that politics makes strange bedfellows.
Of course, the main reason they cuddle up is to screw somebody else.
Michael Flynn, _Rogue Star_
Received on Mon Jun 15 1998 - 20:36:37 BST