At 15:24 19-06-98 +0001, "Hans Franke" <> wrote:
>Hard, I own 2 Robotron PCs (one Z80 CP/M system and one PC Clone),
>but since I live in Muenchen (:), I'm not in the 'native Environment'
>of Robotron clasics. But maybe I could forward your questuons to some
>east German friends.
>Ich denke, also bin ich, also gut
Well, Hans, I *thought* you had to be Bavarian (Bayerische)!! Either that
or perhaps Austrian because of your signoff ("Servus"). I have many friends
down in Trostberg/Traureut/Traunstein area both inside and outside of the
parent company (Dr. Joh. Heidenhain GmbH, Traureut) that I work for in
Jamestown. I always enjoy visiting the Chiemgau and Muenchen. Will be over
again in one year or more. Great to have you on the list as I've not seen
postings of yours since the time I had joined last November until recently
I think. Good to have a person in our group who is nearby to the Deutches
Museum who seems to have a very good early computer collection (saw it in
1994 or 95. Been there four times since '93). Wish I knew enough German to
actually speak it but Bayerische is even harder to understand ;)
Gruss! Bis spaeter, Chris
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Fri Jun 19 1998 - 13:07:47 BST