First personal storage media...

From: Larry Anderson <>
Date: Thu Jun 18 23:25:59 1998

Subject: Re[2]: CP/M

> Likewise the Commodore 8-bitters. In the early 1980s, I was one of the
> first in my school (I was 14 or so at the time) to own a floppy disk
> (yes, a disk, not a drive).

  Gosh what memories, did you lug around a box of cassettes too??? Yeah,
disks back then were about $5.00 (US) a shot [not to be confused with
ammunition in previous off topics, though I can wield a mean VIC-20] for the
cheap SS/SD ones.

New Topic! Ok people: what sort of storage media (and for what system) did
you guys carry around to start out with?

   I started with cassettes for the PETs at high school, though not as old as
some but still nostalgic. I still have my original first tape, though it had
been transfered to a new housing and snaps when a good (assertive?) datasette
rewinds it, it is still readable.
Larry Anderson - Sysop of Silicon Realms BBS (300-2400bd) (209) 754-1363
Visit my Commodore 8-Bit web page at:
Received on Thu Jun 18 1998 - 23:25:59 BST

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