First personal storage media...

From: James Willing <>
Date: Fri Jun 19 23:28:58 1998

At 09:25 PM 6/18/98 -0700, you wrote:
>New Topic! Ok people: what sort of storage media (and for what system) did
>you guys carry around to start out with?
> I started with cassettes for the PETs at high school, though not as old as
>some but still nostalgic. I still have my original first tape, though it had
>been transfered to a new housing and snaps when a good (assertive?) datasette
>rewinds it, it is still readable.

First??? DECtape, 1 inch wide on the 4 inch reels from the PDP-8 in the
OMSI computer labs. On occasion 8 level paper tape from the teletypes that
we used to access a GE time-share system in Seattle.

And... I still have gear in the collection that can read both! B^}


The Computer Garage -
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Received on Fri Jun 19 1998 - 23:28:58 BST

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