At 08:01 PM 6/18/98 +1, you wrote:
>Robotron ?
>Talking about the East German Computers ?
Robotron is also a video game ca. 1981-2 (Williams, iirc) that was
semi-unique in that it used dual joysticks -- one to control movement and
one to control firing direction -- and in order to be at all successful at
the game one had to be able to operate the two completely independantly of
each other. Other, similar games included Sinistar (no relation, and don't
even go there) and one whose name I forgot that had to do with spiders and
--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad that none but madmen know."
Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
San Francisco, California
Received on Mon Jun 22 1998 - 01:29:04 BST