Uncle Roger...
What do you mean, there's no relation? They are both William's titles...and
therefore have very similar hardware structures (6809E CPU, 5 PCBs, color
depth/resolution, 4-bit blitter chip, etc.). The only difference in
Sinistar is the addition of 2 SRAMs, a different interface board (for dual
joysticks), blitter clipper circuit and an additional sound board for
stereo effects in the cockpit model. I would say they are related...
So what do you mean "don't go there?" Am I asking for it? (smile.)
>At 08:01 PM 6/18/98 +1, you wrote:
>>Robotron ?
>>Talking about the East German Computers ?
>Robotron is also a video game ca. 1981-2 (Williams, iirc) that was
>semi-unique in that it used dual joysticks -- one to control movement and
>one to control firing direction -- and in order to be at all successful at
>the game one had to be able to operate the two completely independantly of
>each other. Other, similar games included Sinistar (no relation, and don't
>even go there) and one whose name I forgot that had to do with spiders and
>--------------------------------------------------------------------- O-
>Uncle Roger "There is pleasure pure in being mad
>roger_at_sinasohn.com that none but madmen know."
>Roger Louis Sinasohn & Associates
>San Francisco, California http://www.sinasohn.com/
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van burnham
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Received on Mon Jun 22 1998 - 13:11:56 BST