Wanted stuff (Was: Pretty good week)
On Sat, 28 Feb 1998 22:16:16 +0000 (GMT), you said:
>I pulled a much more trivial example at a place I was working at over 10
>years ago. I had to write a program, and for various reasons I wanted to
>use Turbo Pascal. But it wasn't on the list of 'approved' languages, so I
>couldn't order the 'Turbo Pascal Compiler'. What I could order was
>'Borland part number XXXXXXX data logger program compilation system' (I
>was writing an data logging system)....
I did the same sort of thing twice, but was up front about it, and
paid the price; I needed the Borland TP Database and Editor tools, so
requested their 'Jumbo Toolbox' (is that correct?) which came also
with their Game toolbox. Lots of explaining about how we saved money
by accepting the package deal vs. separate packages. In the same
request, I asked for Brief (programmers editor, excellent) by
Underware, Inc. (Everyone in the approval chain called me to ask; "Are
you kidding?"
Barry Peterson bmpete_at_swbell.net
Husband to Diane, Father to Doug,
Grandfather to Zoe and Tegan.
Received on Sun Mar 01 1998 - 15:51:37 GMT
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