- "First" key system?
- "First" key system?)
- 'SIMPLE' (was:Arrrgh! Micro$h*t again.../old basics)
- *sigh*
- .LZ compression??
- 16 bit 6502?! No, you don't want it... trust me!
- 1978 Tandy Computers Catalog
- 286 Overclocking
- 486 upgrade boards
- 7474 Chip Replacement QUESTIONS
- 8 bit ATARI disk compatability with standard DD/DD drives
- 8080A disassemblers (MSDOS based)
- [Fwd: FS: C3210]
- [GreenKeys] ASR-33 questions
- [OFF TOPIC?] Fixed Freq Monitor Questions
- [Regional - Bay Area] Computer History Talk
- A House Divided Against itself...
- a manual for the northstar advantage
- A possible (future) classic.
- A possible/ builing with old iron
- Able DH/DM card info
- Accucard UPS-on-a-card
- Acquired Laser 50 (mail trades DO work)
- Aiwa CD players
- Altair 8800 - Should I buy it?
- Altair 8800, 8800A, 8800B??
- Altair 8800...why not 8080?
- Altos and JX questions
- ALTOS computer
- Amiga A1060 SideCar
- Amstrad disks
- Annals of OS and network history
- Another hamfest find
- Any other RSTS/E machines online?
- ANyone have DHV11 docs?
- Apology, Info, Etc...
- Apology, Info, Etc... (fwd)
- Apology, Info, Etc...]
- Apple - PC
- Apple 1 at Fry's!
- Apple ][ clones?
- Apple ][+ Stuff
- Apple Basic
- Apple IIc
- Apple Items FS
- Apple Items FS/Trade
- Apple Lisa
- Apple Lisa 1 software
- Aquarius hardware/software list!
- Archive Corp FT60 Adapter Board Jumper Settings
- Archiving docs
- Arrrgh! (now I would like a...)
- Arrrgh! Micro$h*t again...
- Arrrgh! Micro$h*t again....
- Arrrgh! Micro$h*t again....)
- Arrrgh! Micro$h*t again.../old basics
- ASR-33 questions
- AT&T 6300
- AT&T Unix PC 7300....
- available bits
- available bits)
- Baby Blue CP/M Card for PC's
- Backing up RSTS.
- Bay Area Computer History Perspectives
- BBC software
- BBS Server/Clinet Software
- Big pile o' junk^H^H^H^Htreasure... ;-)
- Bill a TRS-80 fan? (Was More List Operation Stuff)
- Broken TRS-80 Model 1
- C= 1084
- Cadnetix system available in San Deigo
- Calc wars
- Calc wars, other calc stuff, my own previous post (uVAX/GPX)
- card reading
- Catweasel, etc.
- Cheap 5 1/4" DD/DD Floppy disks
- Chunk-o-FAQ
- Cipher Model ST150S-II
- CLASSICCMP digest 363
- CLASSICCMP digest 364
- classiccmp FAQ/web page
- CLASSICCMP partial digest 346
- Cleaning up classic books
- CMOS Battery for PC/AT
- Commodore 128D for sale
- Computer Pinout Sources
- Confidential E-mail
- CP/M for free...
- cprohman_at_ix17.ix.netcom.com
- Crisis Over, Back To Your Homes, Wanted: Apple ][ Card Info
- Datamaster ROMs (was Demography?)
- Datanumerics
- Datanumerics DL8A is here! Have a peek _at_ ...
- DEC 5500
- DEC GPX II Q-Bus boards
- DEC TU80 tape drive
- Delay lines
- Delay lines)
- Demography
- Demography?
- Demography?)
- DG/UX for AViiON AV-400 system?
- Diamond Trackstar e Apple-in-a-PC board
- Dick Smith Wizzard
- digital group Z80 computer
- Does a DHV11 emulate a DH11?
- Dragon 64 pinouts
- Drive crash
- drive info needed
- E-mail bloat
- Early computer serial numbers??
- Enrico: model I
- Epson "Homewriter" cart needed
- Epson HX-20
- Epson HX-20 picture online
- Epson QX-10 / AT&T 3B1
- Fairchild FST-2?
- FAQ and the re-mailer
- Finally gone...
- Finding machines (was: Question for the Faq)
- For some lucky Australian dog
- Forget everything, lets talk soldering! :-)
- Fortune Systems 32:16 & The Trailing Edge
- Found a Apple IIGS UPgrade
- Found few chips and one interesting chip.
- Franklin ACE 500
- Free 8-inch floppies in South Australia
- FREEBIES! A Pair of MicroVAX II'S need a home!
- Freedom!
- FS: Vaxen 3100s
- ft 60 tape streamer
- Fwd: For Sale
- Fwd: Free to a good home - VT320's
- FWIW: Data General One Laptop spotted for sale
- Getting bent (ON topic if not thread)
- Getting bent (ON topic if not thread) Forget everything, lets
- Getting bent (ON topic if not thread) Forget everything, lets talk soldering! :-)
- gold recovery
- Good finds this day
- GPIB + disk drives
- Haddock book
- handy URLs
- Hard card manuals
- Harvard Graphics 2.01
- Hasbro buys ATARI
- HD jumper settings
- Heinz Nixdorf
- Helios II disk drive - Sol-20
- Hello
- Hello (fwd)
- Help, Anyone know what this is?
- help: Apple][<==> PDP-8
- Hi!
- History of OSs?
- Hitachi 2.8" (was Preserving old floppies, fixed disks...)
- HMR Haul
- HP 64100A
- HP 82143A Peripheral Printer
- HP cards-anyone?
- HP Integral PC
- HP OmniShare
- HP Win 3.1 -- off topic, but need help
- Hurry up and save this PET!
- I have a polite request...
- I have located Heaven... and it's inside ATS.
- I have this old network card: Artisoft Ethernet adapter
- I ran into a wall again...
- I'm back!
- I'm back! Now, who...?
- IBM mainframe equipment (repost from another source)
- IBM S/s
- IBM's second tries
- Imsai case/mb
- IMSAI goodies available for trade
- Info needed on Microbee, System 80, Pencil II, TI 99/4
- information
- Installing VMS from RL02s
- Irreverence to irrelevance
- Is it worth it?
- Is this getting out?
- Ithaca Audio and friends
- Ithaca Audio and friends)
- Just wondering
- Kaypro 2 Blues
- Kaypro: 81-146A vs. 81-232
- Kaypro: 81-149C vs. 81-232
- Keep me out of it.
- Keeping My Promise
- Linux problems (way off-topic)
- Lisa for sale (forward)
- List not working?
- Looking for a Q-Bus card
- lurker bio
- Mac 512k complete set FS/Trade
- Mac 512k System FS/trade
- mac drive available
- Mac hi-res monitor
- Mac II
- Mac II problem
- MacSnap SCSI, MacSnap memory
- mail problems
- Manchester Mark I
- Matell/Radofin Aquarius II pictures up
- Maybe something fun!
- Microsoft&Windows
- Mikbug info?
- Modem tester FS/Trade
- More 34
- More List Operation Stuff
- More List Operation Stuff)
- More on setting-up Sun3 from tape
- More Proof that Intel is Backwards.
- Motherload
- Mystery Board
- New acquisitions
- New Adds to Museum
- New to List
- New web page
- Next Computers
- Nintendo Stuff...
- No subject
- Northstar Horizon
- Northstar S100 compatability
- not the Sys/34 again!!!
- Notice: comp.os.cpm article, old BYTE issues for sale.
- NS 57109?
- NYTIMES article
- oddball find PS/2-50
- oddball find PS/2-50, NOT oddball PS/2. :))
- Off on my travels...
- Off-charter chatter: nano-PC's
- Offering my help...
- OK, Time to make an attempt at ending this...
- OK, Time to make an attempt at ending this...)
- Okay, it's been awhile, but....
- Old computer still accessible on internet?
- Old CPU
- Old Data
- Old IBM's...
- Old IBMs
- Old manuals free in Canada
- Old Sony Z80 comp...
- Olivetti M15 and friends
- On Flames and Mailing lists, and a bit about
- On Flames and Mailing lists, and a bit about computer
- On Flames and Mailing lists, and a bit about computers
- One more thing...
- One sucess scored....yeah right and I was surprised.
- Ooops... this Ultrix...
- OOPs AT&Ts
- OS/2, Finally getting closer to what it's worth...
- Osborne disk reads/writes
- Osborne OCC 1 Drive C:
- Paul Allan's PDP-10
- PC Portables History Article
- PC to S/34, 36 or 38 Set FS/Trade
- PC to System 34/36/38 setup FS
- PDP parts rescue in Hannover Germany
- PDP parts wanted (cross post)
- PDP-11 rescue in UK
- PDP-11/70 Available...
- pdp11s, anyone??
- Pericom MX7200...
- Personal Communications/3270
- Pesky atari modem
- PET Discussion (Was: Vacation Finds)
- Picked up another truckload! Take a look?
- Pinouts, Schematics, Oh Boy - Also:Dead
- please ID this card!
- please ID this card! [correct URL this time]
- PM2400SA
- PN2400SA
- Preserving old floppies, fixed disks...
- Preserving old floppies, fixed disks...)
- Preserving software
- Pretty good week
- Priorities
- Pro Anarchia (with apologies to Cicero)
- Processor Technology Sol-20
- Question for the Faq - If there is o
- Question for the Faq - If there is one.
- RA90
- Radio Shack CoCo for sale
- Re.: HD jumper settings
- Recover gold from old computers
- request for comments on some used equipment
- Resetting-up S/36 (5363) - How do I do that?
- RGB monitor
- RL02 Positioning Question.
- Robots
- Robots again
- RS 102
- RSTS systat. Here's the proof! It works!
- Running Classiccmp
- Russian PDP-11 info source
- RX01 drive alignment
- S/36 info
- S100 machines on view
- Sam's Instructions in Private Email
- Sam's Instructions in Private Email (fwd)
- Samsung S300
- SB180 (was Demography?)
- SCSI cards
- Searching for HW manual for HP card reader
- Serial Eprom?
- Series/1 noisese and failures... 4967 dead?
- Setting-up a Sun shoebox.
- Sharp MZ-80K
- SID chips
- Silicon Graphics Power Series machines available (Chicago)
- Sinclair ZX-80
- Slightly on topic... tip for linux?
- Slow week
- Sol-20 revisited
- Soldering Iron Options
- Soldering tips
- Sorcerer
- sord m5 files
- Sorting arrays(could be considered off-topic)
- Speaking of Ithaca Audio...
- Special book find today
- Started up the S/34 - It runs.
- Stop ATTACKING! (Especially Microsoft!)
- Strange board
- strange IBMs
- Strange PCjr found
- Strange PCjr Part 2 and VIC-20s
- Subscribe
- Sun 2/120 (clone) available in the UK
- Sun 3/50 up on Ebay
- Sun3x boot prom
- Superbrain schematics
- Superbrain Schematics available
- Symbolics 3620 Alive - Hooray...
- Symbolics 3650..
- Symbolics 3650.. and Toobs!
- System 36
- System names
- System/34 again
- tandata td-1600
- Tektronix XD88 Unix box - help/info needed
- Telebit modems
- Telebit Zoom FAXModem]
- Teletype 33 bits
- Televideo TS803 $10 in L.A.
- Terminals FS/Trade
- Terminals in my way...
- Terminals in my way...)
- Terminals to get rid of-rerun
- The free VAXen
- The SWTPC 6800 Repair Quest Continues
- Things seen
- This means my RA81 is toast, right?
- TI calculator display
- TI Silent 700 pinouts
- TI terminal info needed
- Tim or Allison? Can you help out?
- Time/Date stamper
- Tirades? Since when?
- TOday's finds...
- Toobs!
- Trade list
- TRS-80 manuals
- TRS-80 Model 1
- TRS-80 Model II
- TRS-90
- TRS80 Model 4P gate array help
- True Blue PC/AT Turbo board by Megahertz
- Tuning 8" floppies
- Ultrix: Which Unix is it based on?
- Unapproved obfuscations (off topic)
- UNIX Source Licenses
- Unix source licenses available soon?
- Unix V7
- Update on Sun3 and shoebox
- URGENT..please read
- Vacation Finds
- Vacation Finds...
- value of Sol 20 and Imsai 8080
- VAX and DECstation Ultrix?
- VAX Wanted in Germany -- offer of $500 made!
- VAXen wanted
- VAXServers
- VAXServers (6 off) FREE in Vermont
- VAXstation $55/OBO
- VAXStation Terminal Help Needed
- Vector 3
- Vector 3 info needed
- Vector vs. Bitmap
- Vic-20 heads-up
- Victor 9000
- Videotext
- VSchool: (Directed at kids, but adult's welcome too!) Just an idea...
- VT320 and Ultrix
- VT320 help.
- wall again...
- Walnut Creek CP/M CDROM Discontinued
- Wanted for the "carcass"
- Wanted stuff
- Wanted stuff (Was: Pretty
- Wanted stuff (Was: Pretty good week)
- Wanted stuff (Was: Pretty good week))
- Wanted: Apple ][ Card Info
- Wanted: Exidy Sorcerer technical Information
- Wanting to sell... (fwd)
- Wargames
- Washington DC area classics?
- Web page lists
- Weekend haul
- what are these cards?
- What ever happened to Woz?
- What I think to be a good idea...
- What is this? AST 88 Mb drive
- What sort of Model 4 CPU board is this?
- What's an RA90?
- What's with the raw HTML?
- Where's a list of lists?
- Where's the FAQ?
- whoa there...
- Wish List!
- Wow, am I gonna be busy!
- WTB: Tandy 2500 XL
- X1541 cable
- Xenix and Intel 5.25" disks
- yo
- Your www site
- Z-80 Video Pak
- Zenith Luggable/DEC sw
- Last message date: Tue Mar 31 1998 - 23:22:18 BST
- Archived on: Fri Oct 10 2014 - 23:31:10 BST