Hi, my name is Cord Coslor. Many of you may 'know' from the list and
elsewhere, but many probably do not. I also know many of you probably do
not enjoy posts like this (Sam... :-) Sam really is a great guy!!), but
I think once in a blue moon it can be kind of funa dn interesting
reading about people that we only know by their e-mail addresses.
Anyway, I am 22 years old and am a full-time college student majoring in
Sports Management and Broadcast Communications at Peru St. College in
Nebraska. Deanna and I just had a baby girl (Morgan), and I also have
two step children. I am in my fourth year of collegiate baseball (was at
Sterling College in Kansas for 2.5 years) here.... so, between my
family, classic computing, school, and sports, I think I really have a
load for a 22 year old.
Anyway, I got into collecting computers a long time ago. My dad had
a TRS-80 Model 4 that he ran his crop dusting business from. In looking
for games to play on it, I discovered I'd missed the TRS-80 boat by
several years. So, I actually started investigating the old sources of
software for the machines and was able to personally contact some of the
game pioneers such as Scott Adams, and over several years developed a
passion to collect everything related to this series of computers. I was
12 years old at the time. Next, the family got a Commodore 64 computer.
Since this time, I guess I have been on a quest to collect every piece
of hardware and software related to these machines and it has just kind
of taken off from there. I enjoy collecting old 8-bit personal computers
from the 1980s. However, I enjoy reading and learning from your post
concerning some of the mainframes, etc. Currently in my collection, I
have about 80 machines total. These consist of, all in duplicate or
triplicate at least (in most cases), TRS-80 Model 1,3,4,4p,4d, Tandy
Color Computer 1,2,3, MC-10,Dragon 64, Tandy 2000, Tandy 1000, Commodore
64, C-64c, Vic-20, Commodore Plus/4, Apple //e, Apple //c, TI 99/4a,
tons of old printers of every type, Atari 130xe, Atari 400, Atari 800,
Atari 800xl, Atari 2600, Atari 7800, V-Tech's Laser 310, Toshiba MSX
(European), Bally Astrocade, APF TV Fun, ColecoVision, Odyssey 2, and
the list goes on and on.
Currently, my only modern machine is a Packard Bell Pentium 75. It
currently has 24 megs of ram, and an 850 meg harddrive. Sound card, CD,
complete multi-media computer. I use this machine mainly to promote my
classics. I use of TRS-80 to check my e-mail at my 2nd e-mail address on
the school's Unix machine, though.
Well, that's about it.... I imagine I've outlived my welcome here!
Long live the 'classics,'
| Cord G. Coslor : archive_at_navix.net |\
| Deanna S. Wynn : deannasue_at_navix.net | |
|---------------------------------------------------| |
| http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/4395 | |
|---------------------------------------------------| |
| PO Box 308 - Peru, NE - 68421 - (402) 872- 3272 | |
|___________________________________________________| |
Received on Sun Mar 01 1998 - 21:23:26 GMT