In article <001b01bd4615$f03059c0$2df438cb_at_nostromo>, Andrew Davie
<> writes
>I have a canon SX320!!
You didn't mention it in your list. I did get the right machine, didn't
I? I have a shoe-box full of program listings for it, except they're in
NZ and the thermal paper has probably faded to nothing by now.
Do you actually use it? I really can't remember much about it other
than that you programmed it like a calculator, one function per line,
and that alphanumeric output like prompts needed one line for each
character, so program listings tended to get rather long. Did it have a
tape storage or cartridges or something for programs?
It seems strange to say it, but I can remember the 'feeling' of
programming it, even though I can't remember much about the machine
BTW I am planning on going to the Whipple Museum of the History of
Science, which includes the Francis Hookham Collection of Hand-Held
Calculators, in Cambridge tomorrow ... anything I can look up for you?
Lawrence Wilkinson
The GirlFrendo homepage:
"You've got the brains, or so you say, maybe you see things another way"-bis
Received on Mon Mar 02 1998 - 15:32:59 GMT