I need some information on some old micros I have in my collection. They
are all Australian models apart from the TI, although some of them made it
Pencil II
The sticker on the base says this machine was made by Soundic Electronics,
although I believe it may have been distributed by Hanimex. I need
information on the power supply. I have been told it's 9.9V DC 1A and
17.7V DC 500mA, but I need the pinouts for the 3-pin DIN socket the supply
is meant to connect to.
I believe the DIN socket at the rear right-hand corner is a combined power
supply, cassette in/out and composite video out socket. Can anyone tell me
the pinouts?
System 80
Originally this had an RF modulator, but the one I have has been very
heavily hacked. Can someone give me the pinouts for the video DIN socket?
TI 99/4
Note that this is the 99/4, *not* the 99/4a. Can someone tell me the power
supply requirements and pinouts? It is *not* the same as the 99/4a. I
*think* it may need +5, -5 and +12, but I'm not sure.
Thanks in advance,
| Scott McLauchlan |"Sometimes the need to mess with their heads |
| Client Services Division | outweighs the millstone of humiliation." |
| University of Canberra |___________Fox_Mulder_"The_X-Files:_Squeeze"_|
| scott_at_cts.canberra.edu.au |
http://www.canberra.edu.au/~scott/home.html |
Received on Thu Mar 05 1998 - 22:57:52 GMT