
From: Andrew Davie <>
Date: Mon Mar 9 06:12:00 1998

>> > S100 system with prototype of Signetics 2650 processor board
>> > - this board later went into commercial production
>> Who sold it, out of curiosity?
>> I remember a _Radio-Electronics_ (or was it _Popular Electronics_?)
>> from '76 or '77 that had construction plans for a 2650-based machine.
>> I don't remember it being S-100 based, though.

I will put the whole story up on my website as soon as I can. The design
was published either in Electronics Australia or ETI, and basically the gent
was ripped off. However, he told me they sold perhaps 100 of these boards.
I have lots of software for it, both on floppy and casette!! and this
includes... wait for it.... an 8080A emulator. Bizarre.

Received on Mon Mar 09 1998 - 06:12:00 GMT

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