TOday's finds...

From: Andrew Davie <>
Date: Sat Mar 14 00:54:42 1998

Today's haul...

TWO Aquarius II computers (Serial numbers 8 and 10)
Lots of software for the above (cartridges/ cassettes)
box of 10 disks for the Aquarius drive (no drive, alas)
teletext software/cartridges, several modems for the above
Printer for the above
Two tape drive units
One prototype smart card unit (credit card size card) - for videotext access
Prototype Commodore disk drive interfaces (2) for Aquarius
Schematics and manuals for Aquarius
Extension interface
Prototype 16K RAM unit (functional)

OSI superboard II with homemade case, including voice synthesis add-on

Another good day.

I'll be trading at least one of the Aquarius II computers, probably.

Received on Sat Mar 14 1998 - 00:54:42 GMT

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