I have located Heaven... and it's inside ATS.

From: Daniel A. Seagraves <DSEAGRAV_at_toad.xkl.com>
Date: Sat Mar 14 10:48:19 1998

[Old computers = useless?]

It's not that, I'm usually surprised because I though a big company like
ATS would have unloaded these just to say "We have no old gear, we use all
NEW technology!"
I plan to have my uV3100 do something useful once the NetBSD DMA code gets
fixed. If I can scare up $100, I have a 2.9BSD tape image I'd love to
install and use - 2.9 had TCP/IP in it, didn't it?
Received on Sat Mar 14 1998 - 10:48:19 GMT

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