Arrrgh! Micro$h*t again...

From: John Foust <>
Date: Tue Mar 17 08:27:15 1998

Kai Kaltenbach <> wrote:
>Please give me an insight as to _your_ life's work so that I may call it a
>steaming pile of horseshit as well.

Is this the first time you've heard someone criticize Microsoft or its

>You know Bruce, it's offensive unthinking tirades like yours that make me
>want to unsubscribe from this list and throw my classic computers in the
>dumpster just so I would no longer have to count myself among your company.

I'd be glad to pay shipping... Do you have a web page describing
what you're giving away? :-) Me? I find myself defending Bill at
every turn, and that has nothing to do with sending him/you thousands
of dollars a year.

- John
Jefferson Computer Museum <>
Received on Tue Mar 17 1998 - 08:27:15 GMT

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