In article <Pine.GSO.3.96.980316174734.26350I->, William Donzelli <> writes
>I think also that many people really think that the old IBMs are junk.
>They really are not. I just purchased (finally found, really) a copy of
>*IBM's System/360 and Early 370 Computers*, and a casual quick read
>revealed that the S/360 really were very advanced machines, many of
>inovations are commonplace today.
This is a good point. Ever since I had my little 360/30 I've had a soft
spot for IBM for this very reason. Many of the features we take for
granted were introduced with the S/360, or at least came together into a
single product line. I know that IBM were/are regarded as something of
a dinosaur, but they have always been very innovative without ignoring
commercial realities.
Maybe that's why they're still around. No company does anyone any
favours by developing the best computer in the world and then going bust
(except maybe those here benefit :-)
Lawrence Wilkinson
The GirlFrendo homepage:
"You've got the brains, or so you say, maybe you see things another way"-bis
Received on Tue Mar 17 1998 - 06:08:29 GMT