;-) Clearing the snow from my glasses, I saw Sam Ismail typed:
>Jeez. All of this stuff is in the FAQ. The problem is one of the
>A) Nobody can access it due to server problems at u.washington.edu
>B) It doesn't get sent out to new subscribers
Both of these are true, AFAIK.
>C) People ignore it
How can people be blamed for ignoring it, if it's not accessible?
Anyway, if it's O.K. with Bill Whitson (the owner of this list) I'd be more
than happy to post a copy of the FAQ (and anything else available on the
subject) on my web page, and change the subscription message to include
this URL for those of us (which is prolly most) with Web access.
Then when it's easily accessible, then snotty folks like me (when warranted
-- in this particular case I don't think it is) can say "Look in the
!)_at_(#*$&%^ FAQ!!!" ;-)
Roger Merchberger | If at first you don't succeed,
Owner, MerchWare | nuclear warhead disarmament should
zmerch_at_northernway.net | *not* be your first career choice.
Received on Tue Mar 17 1998 - 15:11:28 GMT