Hello, and welcome to the list! I hope all this clatter doesn't scare you
off... normally it isn't like this. This group is normally a great place to get
all the information you would ever want. A lot of times, there is discussion
about old mainframes, etc., which I personally don't know much about, but many
of the members here do. I happen to specialize in the computers that you talked
about, and most everyone here also has knowledge on those home computers as
As far as the recent discussion about "some guy named Sam." -- it'll all be
over soon, and hopefully the group with remain.... see, sometimes we get bored
with the current discussion on classic computers and decide to drift far
away... basically just something to do, but you're more than welcome to start a
more on-topic thread! The last three days I've actually just been deleteing
everything, because I know I won't enjoy reading about this list in dismay. I
sure am glad I saw your post, however, otherwise I wouldn't have been able to
welcome you to the group! No one else probably would have either, because their
are more important things going on here :-)
Anyway, my point is made, and most importantly, welcome to the group, and maybe
you- as someone that isn't 'burnt out' will start a fresh new thread!
Welcome aboard,
| Cord G. Coslor : archive_at_navix.net |\
| Deanna S. Wynn : deannasue_at_navix.net | |
|---------------------------------------------------| |
| http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Vista/4395 | |
|---------------------------------------------------| |
| PO Box 308 - Peru, NE - 68421 - (402) 872- 3272 | |
|___________________________________________________| |
Dies Irrae wrote:
> Hello, I am new to the list and despite all this nonsencse about some guy
> named Sam, I am looking forward to gaining knowledge from this list. I
> currently own an Atari 400, 800, and Mac Plus. Really all I am here for is
> listening in and to ask a few questions when they arrive to my brain.
> Later,
> -Enrique!
Received on Wed Mar 18 1998 - 17:20:52 GMT