Maybe list division? Re: [ Re: Apology, Info, Etc...]
Hi. Instead of killing the current classiccmp, we could just take some
parts of it off. For instance, we could make a "classiccmpmarket" list for
buying/selling classics.
Just a thought,
Tim D. Hotze
> Folks I just received this in private email from Bill
>Whitson. I rarely break rules of privacy like this, but the
>information here affects _so_ many people. Depending on what happens
>I may unsubscribe from this list. I want everyone to know that I've
>learned some wonderful things here and feel I've 'met' some amazing
>players in the high technology arena. May we meet again!
>Take Care,
>J. Maynard Gelinas
>------- Start of forwarded message -------
>Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 18:03:57 -0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
>From: Bill Whitson <>
>To: "J. Maynard Gelinas" <>
>Subject: Re: Apology, Info, Etc...
>I'm currently working with Sam Ismail on this. He may have
>the capability to run the whole listserv. I'm sure he will
>bring the list up to date as soon as he knows.
>Thanks for the offer. Depending on what happens with Sam,
>I may take you up on it.
>- --------------------------------------------------------
>Bill Whitson
>Network Administrator (425) 352-5209
>University of Washington - Bothell Help Desk: 2-5275
>On Wed, 18 Mar 1998, J. Maynard Gelinas wrote:
>jmg-> OK,
>jmg-> I've received significant help from list members here in the
>jmg->past, and _really_ don't want to see it disappear. I understand how
>jmg->family pressures make the sustained effort of mail list maintenance
>jmg->sometimes an impossibility (Hey, I ran a BBS for four years in the
>jmg->80's like most of us here). So, I offer to take on list management
>jmg->_if necessary_. I'm perfectly happy to share these responsibilities
>jmg->with other members as well. In fact, if a whole bunch of other people
>jmg->chime up and want to take on the task, I'll _gladly_ bow out! ;-)
>jmg-> But I'd rather take on the headache of being the list
>jmg->maintainer than see classiccmp die out from bickering and off topic
>jmg->posts because of ineffective list maintenance. Bill, you started a
>jmg->wonderful thing, but I think, at least right now, we need heavier
>jmg-> There are a few other folks I'd rather see in the drivers seat
>jmg->before me. Tim Shoppa and Allison, for example, would both make
>jmg->better choices than I (and if you guys want it, I'm outta your way).
>jmg->However, this is _an_ offer; currently no one else seems to have
>jmg->chimed up.
>jmg-> I can arrange to have a Majordomo or Listproc list manager in
>jmg->place at one of several hosts if necessary, but I think it would be to
>jmg->everyone's benefit if the 'classiccmp' address remained the same. I
>jmg->hope I haven't overstepped my bounds here...
>jmg->J. Maynard Gelinas
>jmg->> Hi all.
>jmg->> It's come to my attention that there's some discussion on
>jmg->> classiccmp regarding the administration of the list. I'll
>jmg->> get back to those that have contacted me asap. I haven't
>jmg->> read the list in months and only do basic addition and
>jmg->> removal of addresses at this point. My work and personal
>jmg->> lives have made it impossible to be any more active with
>jmg->> classiccmp.
>jmg->> I encourage you to organize as you desire, by whatever
>jmg->> means you can agree on if you haven't already done so.
>jmg->> I will continue to do basic list maintenance as much
>jmg->> as I'm available.
>jmg->> Please don't count on me for anything at this point. I
>jmg->> think classiccmp is great and I'm glad to have done the
>jmg->> initial arrangements, but I don't even know when I'll
>jmg->> have the time to just read it again.
>jmg->> If current arrangements are unworkable and someone else
>jmg->> would like to take over with their own listserv, it would
>jmg->> be simple to just transfer the subscription list, I think.
>jmg->> If you can live with the current level of administration,
>jmg->> I have no problem continuing to host the listserv.
>jmg->> Sorry to have let you guys hang - I've been meaning to
>jmg->> make a post of this nature for some time and it never
>jmg->> made it high enough up the priorities list.
>jmg->> --------------------------------------------------------
>jmg->> Bill Whitson
>jmg->> Network Administrator (425) 352-5209
>jmg->> University of Washington - Bothell Help Desk: 2-5275
>------- End of forwarded message -------
Received on Wed Mar 18 1998 - 22:20:38 GMT
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