Bill Whitson wrote:
> Hi all.
> It's come to my attention that there's some discussion on
> classiccmp regarding the administration of the list. I'll
> get back to those that have contacted me asap. I haven't
> read the list in months and only do basic addition and
> removal of addresses at this point. My work and personal
> lives have made it impossible to be any more active with
> classiccmp.
I think that most of the problems here prove the critics a made months ago
when I joined the list (for which I was castigated).
I think that a great part of the problems is that you (we) look at computers
as pieces of plastic, metal and rubber and not as what they meant and mean to
the heart and minds of millions of people.
Enrico Tedeschi, 54 Easthill Drive, Brighton BN41 2FD, UK
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Received on Thu Mar 19 1998 - 00:55:14 GMT