OK, Time to make an attempt at ending this...

From: Daniel A. Seagraves <DSEAGRAV_at_toad.xkl.com>
Date: Thu Mar 19 07:59:31 1998

Hmm... I see one party causing the problem...
*clickity click* One copy, Ami-chan no hatsukoi, check mqueue, give it time...
Ah, darn, stopped in the queue. "sendmail -q"... we have a flakey link here...
OK. Sam won't be reading email for a while...
BTW, That's *NOT* a mail bomb. He asked for it. I've been ^Qing thru all
that crap all morning, and I'm sick of it. He wasted a lot of my time, so
I'll waste a few of his. Besides, it's only about... *clicky click* 39 meg.
Received on Thu Mar 19 1998 - 07:59:31 GMT

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