At 16:16 3/18/98, you wrote:
> Welcome to the list.
Thank You..
>>BTW -- The Symbolics 3650 is fairly large box -- 3' tall, 1.5' wide, 4'
>>deep (about) -- the thing weights several hundred pounds.
> Ohhh! I'll bet your wife will *love* that!
Haw -- It lives, believe it or not in my office. I live in the Rocky
Mountains (7800' elevation) so it will hopefully keep me warm when I get it
powered up.
Regarding my wife -- I also restore vintage vacuum tube radio gear
(transmitters & receivers circa 1955-1965) and have a number of nice pieces
that I have saved from the dumpster and brought back to life (photo at
httm// if interested) so my wife has
learned (I think/hope) to live with at least some of my foibles...
> Joe
Jack Harper Bank Systems 2000, Inc.
303-277-1892 Golden, Colorado USA
"21st Century Financial Applications"
Optical Cards for Bank, EBT, and Medical Applications
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Received on Thu Mar 19 1998 - 10:29:16 GMT