On Flames and Mailing lists, and a bit about computers

From: Enrico Tedeschi <e.tedeschi_at_ndirect.co.uk>
Date: Thu Mar 19 12:28:25 1998

Captain Napalm wrote:

> To subscribe, send a message to classiccomp-request_at_lists.armigeron.com
> with a subject line of 'subscribe' (you might want to put this on the first
> line of the body as well). That's it. You'll then recieve a welcome
> message describing the rules and regulations of the list, as well as the
> unsubscribe rules. If you don't like the rules, we can talk, or you can
> walk.


I feel that ANY rule in ANY organization is wrong.

In the case of mailing lists or newsgroups if messages are off topic than
either the senders are not answered OR the recipients who do not agree move
away from that list or newsgroup. There no need to police and policing: they
should be self adjusting. History has proved time and time again that
centralized and fascist societies do not last long and do come to and end
(often abruptedly).



Enrico Tedeschi, 54 Easthill Drive, Brighton BN41 2FD, UK
Tel/fax(+01273) 701650 (24 hours) and 0498 692465 (mobile)
please visit my website at: <http://www.brighton-uk.com>
Received on Thu Mar 19 1998 - 12:28:25 GMT

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