What I think to be a good idea...

From: Richard A. Cini <rcini_at_email.msn.com>
Date: Thu Mar 19 20:24:17 1998

    On the list, Don was talking about the MicroSolutions MatchPoint card,
which, with its associated software, permitted reading and writing Apple
disks on a standard PC drive, and another hardware item I can 't remember at
this time.

    Here's my idea. Why can't we contact those vendors that are still in
{corporate} existence and who at one time produced interesting and useful
hardware or software (examples would be MicroSolutions, or CentralPoint),
and try to purchase, for nominal $$$, the rights to produce and distribute
these goods in small quantities.

    Although it would take some of the sport out of trying to locate a
MatchPoint card, for example, it would enable us to produce these tools for
ourselves, thus becoming self-sufficient in a way.

Rich Cini/WUGNET
    <nospam_rcini_at_msn.com> (remove nospam_ to use)
    ClubWin! Charter Member (6)
    MCP Windows 95/Windows Networking
Received on Thu Mar 19 1998 - 20:24:17 GMT

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