PDP parts wanted (cross post)

From: Russ Blakeman <rhblake_at_bbtel.com>
Date: Fri Mar 20 08:38:52 1998

This plea for PDP items was on the "Obsolete Computer Helpline" today
and form the traffic lately I'm sure someone could contact this person
to give him some pointers by direct email.

>Steve Hogan <SHogan7080_at_aol.com>
>Nottingham, UK - Friday, March 20, 1998 at 03:27:29
> I am looking for a source of spares for Digital PDP 11 computers.
> In particular, and Disk Controller and Disk Formatter cards

 Russ Blakeman
     RB Custom Services / Rt. 1 Box 62E / Harned, KY USA 40144
         Phone: (502) 756-1749 / Data/Fax:(502) 756-6991
         Email: rhblake_at_bbtel.com or rhblake_at_bigfoot.com
           Website: http://members.tripod.com/~RHBLAKE/

       * Parts/Service/Upgrades and more for MOST Computers*
Received on Fri Mar 20 1998 - 08:38:52 GMT

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