Now: Once again, whattheheckisa computer? (Was: Re: Delay lines)

From: Greg Troutman <>
Date: Sat Mar 21 03:16:30 1998

Roger Merchberger wrote:

> Ah, then you have an anti-Tandy bent, eh? For the chicklet keys on my
> CoCo1's preclude it from your definition??? ;-) (And, to continue along
> this nasty bend in the road, the membrane-only keyboards of the Timex
> Sinclair 1000 and Tandy's MC-10 make them akin to a microwave oven? ;-)

Hey, my MC-10's all have chicklet keys, not membranes. And a
world-class 6803 inside too ;)

Received on Sat Mar 21 1998 - 03:16:30 GMT

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