At 14:39 3/21/98 -0800, you wrote:
>> Believe it or not, I am not sure -- I am at work at the moment but will
>> check when I get home tonight.
>> This thing is in a big grey steel box with no switches, logos etc...
>The real definitive things are:
>1. The backplane model number
>2. The Mnnnn identifiers on the cards.
>Tim. (
I had a chance to take a look on the backside of the giant box hoping to
find a model number type thing -- nothing there at all...
Looks like I will have to open it up and take a peek to really determine
its true identity...
Jack Harper Bank Systems 2000, Inc.
303-277-1892 Golden, Colorado USA
"21st Century Financial Applications"
Optical Cards for Bank, EBT, and Medical Applications
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Received on Mon Mar 23 1998 - 10:16:26 GMT