At 10:29 23/03/98 -0800, Bruce wrote:
> Sam, speaking as an ex-telco person, I can say with confidence that the
>Horizon was far from being the first "key" system. That honor goes to the
>original electromechanical 1A system, which was introduced in the late
>50's/early 60's.
> Thus endeth key system history 101. We now return to normal topical stuff.
Hey, hold on a minute:
How many people are in this list also collecting CLASSIC TELEPHONY???
? Riccardo Romagnoli,collector of:CLASSIC COMPUTERS,TELETYPE UNITS,PHONE ?
? AND PHONECARDS I-47100 Forli'/Emilia-Romagna/Food Valley/ITALY ?
? Pager:DTMF PHONES=+39/16888(hear msg.and BEEP then 5130274*YOUR TEL.No.* ?
? where*=asterisk key | help visit ?
? ?
Received on Mon Mar 23 1998 - 16:20:49 GMT