HP Win 3.1 -- off topic, but need help

From: jpero_at_cgo.wave.ca <(jpero_at_cgo.wave.ca)>
Date: Tue Mar 24 06:23:34 1998

> Sorry, but this is just a thought... if HP could give Win 95 LICENCES, and
> you could find a 3.5" copy of Windows 95 (and the HP's have 8MB RAM), you
> could run Windows 95 fine. I'm running it on my DX/50 here.
> Hope that this helps,

Once again, this is foolish to try to run win95 on 8mb. I did and
get Very SLOW performance even on 486sx 33 and beating trying to
killing the hd and crashing is common. Hated that royally. Be kind
and find a way to get win 3.11 WFW. These 3.x is best for older 386
and 486 all with 8mb~16mb, even for older pentium w/ 8mb and older

Really, win95sux really LIKES to run in more than 16mb~24mb~greater
ram and POWERFUL CPU like dx4 series or better. From that gives you
more reliablity and more crash-proofing.


Jason D.

> Tim D. Hotze
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kip Crosby <engine_at_chac.org>
> To: Discussion re-collecting of classic computers
> <classiccmp_at_u.washington.edu>
> Date: Tuesday, March 24, 1998 7:45 PM
> Subject: HP Win 3.1 -- off topic, but need help
> >Yesterday I did the Silicon Valley Elderhostel comp. hist. lecture, and in
> >the Q&A afterwards, a woman from one of the gold rush ~ghost towns in the
> >Sierra said that her school had been given two HP Vectra 486's, but with no
> >OS's. HP has been forced to follow MS' ultimatum (who but MS could or
> >would step on HP?) and can only supply her with Win95, which these boxes
> >don't have the horsepower for, on CD, but.... no CD drives either. She
> >badly needs HP Vectra OEM Windows 3.1(1) on 3.5" floppies, and HP's
> >response to her is basically "We're only allowed to tell you that that
> >never existed."
> >
> >Can anybody help with a copy? TVMIA --
> >__________________________________________
> >Kip Crosby engine_at_chac.org
> > http://www.chac.org/index.html
> >Computer History Association of California
> >
> >
email: jpero_at_cgo.wave.ca
Pero, Jason D.
Received on Tue Mar 24 1998 - 06:23:34 GMT

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