Tektronix XD88 Unix box - help/info needed

From: Julian Richardson <JRichardson_at_softwright.co.uk>
Date: Thu Mar 26 06:29:22 1998

Hi all,

I was given a Tektronix XD88/10 machine a few years ago that has sadly
been sitting around gathering dust in the hope that I'd be able to find
sufficient info/parts to fix it at some point - maybe someone on this
list can help...

When I got the machine I just had the main unit, and (amazingly, seeing
how only a few of these seem to ever have been built) got hold of a
keyboard for it. I haven't got the original monitor, but a Sun 16"
display seems to work well enough.

The disk was on its way out when I got hold of the machine, and from
what I remember wouldn't even boot to single user mode last time I tried
it. It's a 300MB Imprimis (Seagate) SCSI-1, so finding an exact or
similar replacement shouldn't be too much trouble. The problem is the OS
software - I don't have the tapes, and Tektronix stopped supporting the
XD88's a few years ago (I heard from one guy in Australia who got an
XD88 from a sale without OS, and Tektronix Aus. gave him the tapes for
free which was rather nice - they took the line that they should be part
of the machine anyway!)

Second problem is mouse - the keyboard has a 9-pin *female* port on it
for a mouse - anyone know pin-outs, what protocol was needed etc?

Other than those two minor details, it works fine :)
When I first got it it did boot to some sort of semi-working state; I
seem to remember that the ethernet was working on it (I never tried the
tape drive, I have a spare in case the one in it is broken though)

Thanks for any help though, about time I got this thing going again!!!
(Could still be a useful machine actually, it's got 16MB of main memory
on it and 2MB for graphics memory)


Received on Thu Mar 26 1998 - 06:29:22 GMT

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