Doug Spence <> wrote:
>> I'll bet a doughnut there are at least two Sidecar sites on the net,
>> given the known rabidity of Amiga enthusiasts.
>Very possible, though I've so far not found them. There seems to be some
>product for the named "SideCar" though, because Alta Vista keeps coughing
>up links to articles on it.
Hmm. Guess that means I might owe you a doughnut. Did you try posting
questions to the Amigoid newsgroups? I'll check my basement archives, too.
>I wish I had ordered something from IAM when they had their "boing logo"
>promotion, but I had recently purchased DiskSalv at a computer show, and
>already had the "Deathbed Vigil" video and T-shirt, and I wasn't
>interested in any of their other products at the time. It would've been
>nice to get the logos, though. (They were scoured from the garages of
>various ex-Commodore engineers.)
I attended the first "Amiga wake" party when Amiga Corp. closed in
Los Gatos. They had one of those "black box" wirewrap Amigas there.
I will continue to deny that I had anything to do with
the rescue of the Amiga sign from the lawn of the old office. :-)
- John
Jefferson Computer Museum <>
Received on Mon Mar 30 1998 - 09:22:17 BST